Mortgage Video Marketing Guide

Ready to revolutionize your mortgage business with personalized video? Our comprehensive Mortgage Video Marketing Guide walks you through every step of leveraging Avie to elevate your practice, from crafting compelling scripts to analyzing results. Whether you're a video novice or seasoned pro, these proven strategies will help you harness the power of personalized video and become the go-to lender in your market. Dive in and press record on your success!

As a mortgage loan officer in today's fast-paced lending landscape, delivering exceptional customer service is key to winning business, earning referrals, and building a thriving career. Personalized video messages powered by AI technology are a game-changing tool for connecting with borrowers, educating them on their options, and guiding them to a smooth closing. Here's your step-by-step plan for leveraging Avie's personalized video platform to take your mortgage practice to new heights.

Plan Overview:

  1. Identify critical moments in the borrower journey to send personalized videos
  2. Write informative, engaging video scripts for each touchpoint
  3. Record your foundational videos in Avie's intuitive Video Creator
  4. Sync Avie with your LOS and CRM to automate personalized video delivery
  5. Implement a lead nurture sequence to guide borrowers to the closing table
  6. Analyze video performance metrics and continually optimize your approach

Step 1: Pinpoint High-Impact Video Opportunities

To get the most mileage out of personalized video, you need to deploy it strategically at key inflection points in the mortgage process. Here are some prime opportunities to consider:

  • Responding to new lead inquiries about getting pre-approved
  • Delivering loan options and rate quotes based on a borrower's scenario
  • Explaining the loan application process and required documentation
  • Providing weekly status updates as a loan moves through processing
  • Notifying borrowers of conditional approval and outstanding items needed
  • Reviewing final loan details and numbers prior to closing
  • Sending a congratulatory message after a successful closing
  • Checking in post-close to ask for a review/referral and offer ongoing support

Think about other touchpoints unique to your process where a personal message could help borrowers feel informed and at ease. The goal is to anticipate and proactively address their questions and concerns at each stage.

Step 2: Craft Customer-Centric Video Scripts

Thoughtful scripting lays the foundation for trust-building videos that borrowers will actually want to watch. As you write your scripts for each touchpoint, keep these tips in mind:

  • Lead with the value-add for the viewer - how will this video help them?
  • Clearly and succinctly explain concepts using simple language, not industry jargon
  • Weave in your unique personality and communication style to forge authentic connection
  • Make the call-to-action crystal clear - what is the viewer's next best step?

Here are some sample scripts to get you started:

New Lead Intro

Hi [Name],

Thanks so much for your interest in getting pre-approved for a mortgage. Smart move - getting pre-approved is an essential first step in your homebuying journey. I'm here to make that process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

[Insert quick video blurb on why you love helping first-time buyers/families/investors achieve their homeownership goals]

I've taken a look at the initial info you provided, and I have a few options in mind that could be a great fit for your [home price range, down payment, credit score, desired monthly payment]. I'll crunch the numbers and put together a custom loan scenario video for you walking through the details.

In the meantime, I'm here to answer any questions - no matter how big or small. Buying a home is a huge milestone and my role is to be your guide every step of the way. If you want to chat through the process or your goals, just pick a time on my calendar here [Calendly link] and I'll give you a ring.

Talk to you soon!

[Your Name]

Custom Loan Options Video

Hi [Name],

As promised, I've put together a video overviewing the best loan options for your scenario. I ran the numbers based on the [home price, down payment, credit score, etc.] you provided.

[Switch to screenshare view walking through Loan Estimate and key figures]

As you can see, we're looking at a [30-year fixed, FHA, 5/1 ARM, etc.] with a [X.XX%] interest rate. Your estimated monthly payment would be [$XXXX] including [property taxes, PMI, HOA fees].

I also looked at [1-2 alternative options] so you can see a comparison. Typically, I recommend [Option A] for [first-time buyers, low down payment scenarios, investors, etc.] because [benefits]. Of course, the final choice depends on your specific priorities and comfort level.

[Back to camera view]

I know this is a lot of info to absorb, so I've attached a copy of these Loan Estimates for you to review at your own pace. I'm happy to hop on a quick call to talk through any questions and help you weigh the pros and cons of each option.

In terms of next steps, we would just need to [complete a full loan application, collect income/asset documentation, etc.] to get the approval process rolling. I've outlined the documents you'd need to provide in the email.

Let me know what loan option you'd like to move forward with, and I'll get working on your pre-approval right away! Call/text/email me anytime.

[Your Name]

Weekly Loan Status Update

Hi [Name],

Happy Friday! I wanted to give you a quick update on the progress of your loan this week.

[Insert video screenshare or graphic showing loan milestone timeline and progress]

Since my last update, our processing team has [completed the credit check, ordered the appraisal, verified your employment]. Next up, we will be [sending your file through underwriting, reviewing the appraisal report]. We are still on track for a [Month, Date] closing as long as we get [outstanding documentation] submitted soon.

On your end, the next step is to [provide last two years' tax returns, schedule the home inspection]. Please aim to send those tax docs over by [deadline] so we can keep everything moving smoothly.

As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns in the meantime. I'm here to keep you in the loop and ensure there are no surprises along the way. Enjoy your weekend!

[Your Name]

Application Follow-Up

Hi [Name],

I see you started your loan application - way to go! I know it can feel like a lot of information to gather, but you're already making great progress.

I've reviewed what you've submitted so far and it looks like we still need [outstanding documentation] to keep things moving forward. Once we have that, our processing team can really dig in and make sure we have a complete file to submit to underwriting.

Please let me know if you have any questions as you're pulling those documents together. I'm happy to clarify what's needed and why. In the meantime, I'll keep an eye out for your email with the remaining pieces.

Looking forward to getting you one step closer to your new home!

[Your Name]

Appraisal Explanation

Hi [Name],

Great news - the appraisal on your future home just came back and I wanted to quickly walk you through the results.

[Insert video screenshare of appraisal report]

The appraiser valued the property at [$X], which is [above/in line with/below] the purchase price of [$X]. This is important because your loan amount is based on the lower of the purchase price or appraised value.

In this case, [your loan amount will remain the same/we'll need to adjust your loan amount down/you'll need to bring additional cash to closing to cover the difference]. I've run the numbers and here's what that means for your scenario:

[Update on loan amount, LTV, monthly payment, cash to close]

I know this is a lot of numbers to digest, so I've attached a copy of the appraisal report and updated Loan Estimate for you to review. Let's connect live so I can answer any questions you have and make sure you feel confident about next steps.

[Your Name]

Conditional Approval Alert

Hi [Name],

I have some exciting updates to share on your loan! Your file just received conditional approval from our underwriting team. This means we're in the home stretch and getting close to the finish line.

[Insert video graphic of loan milestone timeline]

There are just a few remaining items we need to finalize your approval:

[List of conditions like proof of insurance, updated bank statements, etc.]

I know these last documentation requests can feel like a pain, but hang in there! Our goal is to get you across the closing finish line as smoothly as possible.

Please send these remaining items over as soon as you're able so we can wrap up your final approval and move on to closing. And don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions along the way - I'm here to help!

[Your Name]

Closing Day Prep

Hi [Name],

The big day is almost here! Your loan is clear to close and we're counting down to your closing on [date].

I wanted to send over a quick video to prepare you for what to expect at your closing appointment. It'll be a busy day with quite a bit of paperwork to sign, but I'll be right there with you to guide you through it.

[Insert video b-roll of closing table with key documents]

Here are the most important documents you'll be signing:

Closing Disclosure: This itemizes all of your final loan terms, closing costs and payments. We'll review this carefully together before you sign.

Note: This is your promise to repay the loan. It lays out the terms of your loan, including the amount you owe, your interest rate, and the dates when your payments are due.

Mortgage/Deed of Trust: This secures the Note and gives your lender the right to foreclose on the property if you default on your payments.

A few tips to prepare for a smooth closing:

  • Review your Closing Disclosure in advance and ask me any questions
  • Schedule your final walkthrough of the property on closing morning
  • Bring your photo ID, certified cashier's check, and any outstanding documents to the appointment
  • Get ready to sign a ton of papers and take lots of photos - this is a big milestone!

If you'd like, I'm happy to do a closing day rehearsal with you via video chat so you feel totally prepared. Just send me a few times that work for you.

It's been a pleasure helping you navigate this process and I can't wait to see you get the keys to your new home! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything between now and [day].

[Your Name]

Rate Change Notice

Hi [Name],

I know you've been watching rates closely, so I wanted to reach out with a quick market update. Rates have [increased/decreased] by [X]% since you were pre-approved on [date].

I've taken a look at your pre-approval and here's what a rate adjustment would mean for your numbers:

[Insert side-by-side comparison of original estimate vs. new estimate]

Based on today's rates, your [monthly payment, loan amount, APR] would [increase/decrease] to [$X]. Of course, rates can change daily, so this is just a snapshot in time.

I know that any change in projected numbers can be stressful, so I'm here to talk through your options and help you make an informed decision. A few things we can consider:

  • Locking your rate now to protect against further increases
  • Adjusting your target home price or down payment to offset the rate change
  • Exploring other loan programs that might offer better rates

I'm happy to crunch the numbers on a few different scenarios so you can weigh the pros and cons. Just let me know a good time to connect and we'll get a game plan together.

In the meantime, I'll keep a close eye on the market and be in touch with any major movements. My goal is to help you find the best deal for your situation, even as conditions change.

Let me know how I can help,

[Your Name]

Loan Denied Empathy Message

Hi [Name],

I know you've been anxiously awaiting a decision on your loan, so I wanted to reach out personally and update you. I'm so sorry to have to deliver this news, but unfortunately, your loan application was denied by our underwriting team.

[Insert video message expressing genuine empathy and understanding]

I know how disappointing and frustrating this must be, especially after all the hard work you've put in to get to this point. Please know that this isn't a reflection on you as a person. Loan decisions are based on a variety of complex factors and sometimes the chips just don't fall the way we want them to.

When you're ready, I'm here to walk through the reasons behind the denial and brainstorm possible paths forward. This could include:

  • Restructuring your loan application
  • Adding a co-borrower
  • Working on your credit
  • Exploring alternative loan programs
  • Saving up a larger down payment

I still believe in your homeownership goals and I'm committed to helping you find a way to achieve them, even if it takes a little longer than we hoped.

I'm here anytime you want to talk through your options or even just vent. Please don't hesitate to lean on me as a resource and an ally.

Wishing you all the best,

[Your Name]

Application Abandonment Check-In

Hi [Name],

I noticed you started your loan application a few days ago, but it looks like you haven't quite wrapped it up yet. No worries at all - I know life gets crazy and financial paperwork isn't most people's idea of a good time!

I just wanted to check in and see if there are any parts of the application you're stuck on or have questions about. I'm happy to walk you through any section that's giving you trouble - sometimes it just helps to have a human explain things instead of staring at a computer screen.

[Insert video tour of key application sections]

Here's a quick refresher on the key pieces we need to complete your application:

  • Income and employment info
  • Asset and bank statements
  • Debt and credit details
  • Property info if you have a home in mind

I've attached a checklist of the specific documents that are needed in each category. If you can gather those and shoot them over to me, I can take care of populating the rest of the application for you. Easy peasy!

If you'd prefer to fill out the app yourself, no problem at all. Just click the link in my email to pick up where you left off. And remember, you can always save your progress and come back to it if you need to take a break.

I know the application can seem daunting, but I promise it's worth powering through! The sooner we get your complete application, the sooner I can get you pre-approved and out there shopping for your dream home.

Let me know how I can help - I'm always just a call, text, or video away!

[Your Name]

Pre-Qualification Congrats

Hi [Name],

Congratulations - you're pre-qualified for a home loan! I've attached your pre-qual letter, which you can show to realtors and sellers to prove you're a serious and qualified buyer.

[Insert celebratory video message]

Based on the initial information you provided, it looks like you're in great shape to purchase a home up to [$X] with a down payment of [$X]. This translates to an estimated monthly payment around [$X], depending on the exact home price, taxes, and insurance.

Of course, this is just a ballpark based on our initial conversation - the next step is to complete your full loan application so I can give you a firmer pre-approval amount. But this is a great starting point to help focus your home search!

Here are my recommendations for the next steps:

  • Complete your loan application online using the link in my email
  • Gather your income, asset, and credit documentation
  • Connect with a realtor and start touring homes in your price range
  • Check in with me weekly so I can answer any questions and update your pre-approval if needed

Remember, your pre-qualification is valid for [X] days. Once you have an accepted offer on a home, we'll need to move quickly to complete your application and lock your rate.

In the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out with any and all questions as you embark on your house hunting journey! I'm here to make this process as smooth and stress-free as possible for you.

Happy home shopping!

[Your Name]

The key is to keep your scripts clear, concise, and focused on the next step the borrower needs to take. Use these as a starting point and adapt them to your own authentic voice and communication style.

Step 3: Record Your Foundational Videos

Now the rubber meets the road - time to bring your scripts to life! With Avie's user-friendly Video Creator, recording personalized videos is a snap:

  1. Choose your recording device and check your camera framing and lighting
  2. Copy/paste your script into the built-in teleprompter
  3. Refine the settings like recording speed and font size
  4. Hit record and deliver your lines clearly and confidently, using natural inflections and facial expressions to build rapport
  5. Embed any graphics, screenshares, or b-roll that help tell your story
  6. Trim any awkward pauses or false starts from the beginning and end
  7. Save your video with a descriptive title and tags for easy searching later

Aim for a friendly, approachable tone that puts the viewer at ease. Smile, speak slowly and clearly, and don't be afraid to let your personality shine through.

Most videos should clock in at 60-90 seconds - just enough to convey the key information without overwhelming the viewer. For more complex topics like loan options, you may go a bit longer but consider breaking it up into bite-sized chapters.

Step 4: Import Borrower Details into Avie

Personalizing your videos requires having your borrower data readily available in Avie. This allows you to automatically weave in key details like the borrower's name, loan amount, and property address, making each video feel tailor-made. There are two ways to import this information: inputting borrowers one at a time or bulk uploading a spreadsheet.

Individual Borrower Entry

  1. Open the Borrowers tab in your Avie dashboard
  2. Select Add Borrower Record
  3. Input the pertinent info for that borrower, including:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email
    • Phone
    • Loan Type (e.g. Conventional, FHA, VA)
    • Loan Amount
    • Purchase Price
    • Down Payment
    • Property Address
    • Credit Score
    • Referral Source
    • Mortgage Stage (e.g. Pre-Approval, Application, Processing)
  4. Click Save and Continue
  5. Duplicate these steps for additional borrowers

Bulk Borrower Upload

  1. Organize your borrower data into a CSV file, with a separate column for each data point (e.g. firstname, lastname, email, loantype, etc.)
  2. Navigate to the Borrowers tab in Avie
  3. Click Bulk Import Borrowers
  4. Locate and select your CSV file
  5. Match each column header to the corresponding field in Avie
  6. Indicate if you want to overwrite existing borrower records or only append new ones
  7. Click Begin Import

Avie will validate and import your borrower data, making it available for video personalization. You can search, filter, and update your borrower database anytime in the Borrowers tab.

Some tips for smooth data management:

  • Ensure your data is formatted consistently before importing. For instance, use the same date format, capitalize names properly, etc.
  • Use a distinctive identifier like email to prevent creating duplicate borrower records.
  • Leverage tags and stages to bucket your borrowers for relevant video campaigns.
  • Routinely import new leads and update current records as borrowers move through the loan process.
  • Once your borrower data is synced, personalizing your videos is a breeze.
  • Simply insert the corresponding merge fields in your scripts (e.g. {{firstname}}, {{loanamount}}), and Avie will dynamically populate each video with the appropriate info for that unique borrower.

Step 5: Nurture Leads to the Closing Table

Serving up the right video at the right time is a powerful trust-building play. But to keep the momentum going and prevent borrower drop-off, you need a full-funnel communication plan:

  1. Trigger your intro video as soon as a new lead hits your CRM
  2. Check in with a pre-approval follow-up video 1-2 days later if you don't hear back
  3. Once pre-approved, send a video reviewing requested documentation and outlining next steps
  4. Deploy weekly loan update videos to keep them informed as their loan is processed
  5. Hop on a video call to clear up any questions or concerns that arise
  6. Shoot over a quick video when you need a document or signature to keep things on track
  7. Send a celebratory video when loan is clear to close, recapping final numbers and details
  8. Check in a few days post-closing to ensure smooth onboarding with loan servicer
  9. Reach out 1-2 months post-close to ask for an online review or referral

The key is to proactively keep them looped in so they never have to wonder or worry about the status of their loan. Blend automated video touchpoints with well-timed manual outreach to deliver a high-touch, high-tech borrowing experience.

Make sure each follow-up includes a clear call-to-action so the borrower knows what's needed from them. Gently guide them to the closing table with helpful info and timely nudges.

Step 6: Measure, Learn, Adapt, Repeat

As a mortgage pro, you know that tracking your progress is the key to continuous improvement. Monitor these KPIs to gauge the success of your personalized video strategy:

  • Number of videos sent per loan
  • Percentage of videos viewed
  • How much of each video is watched on average
  • Video engagement rate (likes, comments, replies)
  • Borrower conversion rate from lead to application to clear to close
  • Average time to close loans with video vs. benchmark
  • On-time closing percentage with video vs. benchmark
  • Borrower satisfaction score and referral rate

Avie's robust reporting dashboard makes it easy to track your results and spot improvement opportunities. Block off time each week to review the numbers and identify trends:

  • Which video topics and scripts are generating the most engagement?
  • What is the ideal length and format to maximize completion rate?
  • How quickly are borrowers taking action after viewing a video?
  • Are you seeing faster closing times and higher referral rates since deploying video?

Armed with these insights, keep optimizing your approach. A/B test different subject lines, calls-to-action, video lengths, and delivery times to home in on the winning formula.

As you refine your strategy, don't be afraid to get creative with your video content. Try sprinkling in educational explainer videos on topics like DTI, LTV, and PMI. Share quick market updates on rates and housing trends. Celebrate customer wins and showcase testimonials to build social proof.

The beauty of personalized video is that it runs on autopilot once you've laid the groundwork, so you can scale your outreach without sacrificing that personal touch. Stick with it, and you'll create customers for life who rave about you to family and friends.

Differentiation is the name of the game in today's commoditized lending world. By combining the efficiency of automation with the rapport-building power of video, you'll deliver an unmatched borrowing experience that keeps customers coming back and singing your praises.

With Avie's personalized video platform and this action plan, you're well on your way to becoming the go-to lender in your market. Lights, camera, action!

Start creating your 1:1 personalised videos.

Join the 15,000+ businesses personalising their content with Avie
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