10 Ideas for AI Generated Personalized Videos

Personalized videos can be a game-changer for engaging your audience. In this post, we explore 10 innovative ideas for using AI-powered tools like Avie to create dynamic, tailored video content. Discover fresh approaches to connect with your customers, employees, and more.

Are you looking to create personalized videos at scale to engage your audience in a more meaningful way? With Avie, you can easily generate customized AI videos from a single recording to reach prospects, customers, candidates and more. Here are 10 creative ideas for leveraging Avie's powerful personalization capabilities.

1. Personalized Sales Pitches


Create customized sales pitch videos for each of your top prospects, addressing them by name and tailoring the message to their specific needs and pain points.

How It Works

Record a base sales pitch video highlighting your product/service's key benefits. Use Avie to personalize the prospect's name, company, industry, and how your offering addresses their unique challenges. Prospects will feel like you created the video just for them, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Sample Script

Hi [First Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I noticed that [Prospect's Company] is facing challenges with [Specific Problem] and I believe our [Product/Service] could be the perfect solution. [Personalized Value Prop]. [Call-to-Action]. Looking forward to discussing this with you further, [First Name]!

2. Customized Job Candidate Outreach


Send personalized videos to high-quality job candidates to stand out from other employers and increase interest in your open roles.

How It Works

Record a generic recruiting video highlighting your company culture, benefits, growth opportunities, etc. Use Avie to tailor it for each candidate - addressing them by name, mentioning their impressive background and skills, and why they would be a great fit for the specific role and your team. They'll appreciate the extra effort.

Sample Script

Hello [Candidate Name]! I'm [Recruiter Name], a [Job Title] at [Company]. I was really impressed by your background in [Skill/Experience] and think you could be an excellent match for our open [Job Title] role. Our team would benefit tremendously from your expertise in [Specific Skill]. [Company] offers great benefits like [Perk 1] and [Perk 2]. Are you interested in learning more about the opportunity? I'd love to tell you more about why I think you'd thrive here. Please book a quick call with me via the Calendly link below. Hope to speak with you soon, [Candidate Name]!

3. Personalized Event Invitations


Boost event attendance by sending invitees customized video invitations.

How It Works

Record a general event invitation and promo video. Customize it for each invitee by inserting their name, event details relevant to them (e.g. sessions/speakers of interest), special offers/discounts, and even referencing their past event attendance. A tailored invite will grab their attention and make them more likely to RSVP.

Sample Script

[First Name], you're invited to [Event Name] on [Date] at [Venue]! Given your interest in [Topic], I think you'll really enjoy sessions like [Session 1] and [Session 2]. As a loyal attendee, you'll get [Special Offer]. Register by [Date] with code [Code] for [Discount]%. [Call-to-Action]. See you there, [First Name]!

4. Customized Onboarding Videos


Create personalized onboarding videos to welcome and guide each new customer or employee.

How It Works

Record a standard onboarding video with an intro, product/company overview, key steps, and resources. Adapt it for each person with Avie - greet them by name, reference their company/role, highlight parts of your product relevant to their use case, and point them to specific training materials. A customized onboarding experience will make them feel valued and set them up for success from day one.

Sample Script:

Welcome to [Company/Product], [Name]! We're thrilled to have you on board. To help you get started, here's a quick overview of key features that will be most useful for [Company/Role], like [Feature 1] and [Feature 2]. Be sure to check out our [Relevant Resource] for step-by-step guidance. As always, our support team is here if you need any assistance - book a 1:1 onboarding session at the link below. [Call-to-Action]. Here's to your success with [Company/Product], [Name]!

5. Personalized Milestone Celebrations


Delight customers or employees by sending a customized celebration video when they hit a milestone.

How It Works

Record a template celebration video to acknowledge key achievements. Whenever someone reaches a milestone, use Avie to tailor and send them a personalized version - mention their name, the specific milestone (e.g. 1 year with the company, $10K in revenue, 10,000 steps in a day), and celebrate their success. Recognizing their wins with a custom video creates a memorable moment and deeper relationship.

Sample Script

Congratulations [Name] on reaching [Milestone]! We're so proud of your achievement in [Milestone Details]. Your hard work and dedication are truly paying off. Enjoy [Milestone Perk] and aim for [Next Level Milestone] next! [Call-to-Action]. Keep up the amazing work, [Name] - you're an inspiration to all of us at [Your Company].

6. Personalized Product Recommendations


Proactively suggest relevant products to customers via customized video recommendations.

How It Works

Create a base product recommendation video showcasing key features, use cases, benefits, and pricing. Dynamically adapt it for each customer based on their purchase history/signals - highlight products that complement what they already own, similar items to ones they viewed, or products frequently purchased together. Reference their specific preferences, needs, and past purchases. A tailored video pitch builds trust and increases conversion.

Sample Script

Hey [Name], we noticed you recently bought our [Past Product] and thought you might also like [Recommended Product]. Since you enjoyed [Past Product] for its [Key Benefit], we think you'll love how [Recommended Product] helps you [Relevant Benefit]. As a valued customer, you can get [Recommended Product] for just [Discounted Price] for a limited time! [Call-to-Action]. Let me know if you have any other questions, [Name]!

7. Personalized How-To Tutorials


Provide customers individualized how-to videos based on their specific usage and questions.

How It Works

Identify common customer questions/issues and create video walkthroughs addressing them. When a customer reaches out needing help, send them an AI-personalized version of the relevant tutorial video - greet them by name, reference their specific product/tier, and walk through the solution step-by-step, mentioning relevant details. Quick, customized responses improve customer experience and reduce support volume.

Sample Script

Hi [Name], I'm [Agent Name] from [Company] Support. I understand you're having trouble with [Issue] on your [Product/Tier]. No worries - it's a common question and I'm happy to walk you through the solution! First, go to [Setting] and click [Button]. Next, select [Option] from the dropdown menu. Finally, enter [Input] and hit 'Save'. [Issue] should now be resolved. Please let me know if you have any other questions - I'm here to help. Have a great day, [Name]!

8. Personalized Appointment Reminders


Reduce no-shows by sending personalized appointment reminder videos.

How It Works

Set up an automated appointment reminder video that confirms key details and expectations. Plug in the customer name, appointment date/time, location or virtual meeting link, and any special instructions. Send 24-48 hours before the scheduled meeting time. The visual and audio reminder keeps the meeting top of mind and adds a personal touch that plain text reminders lack.

Sample Script

Hi [Name], this is a friendly reminder about your upcoming [Meeting Type] with [Company/Person] on [Date] at [Time]. We'll be meeting [Location/Video Platform] and will cover [Agenda Items]. Please have your [What to Bring] ready. If you need to reschedule, you can do so via the link below. [Call-to-Action]. Looking forward to our meeting, [Name]! Let me know if you have any questions beforehand.

9. Personalized Renewal Reminders


Boost subscription/contract renewal rates by creating customized reminder videos.

How It Works

Trigger a renewal reminder video to send 1-2 months before a customer's expiration date. Have the video thank them by name for their loyalty, recap the value they've gotten from the product/service, and highlight what's to come. Offer a special "loyal customer" discount or bonus if they renew by a certain date. A personalized nudge showing you value their business can curb churn.

Sample Script

[Name], can you believe it's been [Subscription Length] since you first started using [Product/Service]? Time flies! Your [Product/Service] subscription will be up for renewal on [Date], and I wanted to reach out personally to thank you for your continued business. Over the last year, you've [Value Prop 1] and [Value Prop 2] with the help of [Product/Service]. Renew by [Early Bird Date] and you'll lock in your pricing at just [Renewal Price] per [Interval] - that's a [Discount]% loyal customer discount! Plus, enjoy [Bonus Gift/Feature] on us. [Call-to-Action]. It's been a pleasure serving you, [Name], and we look forward to continuing our partnership!

10. Personalized Feedback Collection


Increase customer/employee feedback response rates by requesting it via personalized video.

How It Works

Record a template feedback request video emphasizing how much you value their opinion and how you use feedback to improve. Tailor it for each recipient by greeting them by name, mentioning how long they've been a customer/employee, and referencing any specific feedback they've shared before. Adding a face and voice to the request builds rapport and makes them more likely to respond.

Sample Script

Hi [Name], it's [Your Name] from [Company]. As one of our [Customer/Employee] for [Duration], your feedback is incredibly valuable in helping us improve [Product/Service/Workplace]. I'd love to hear your candid thoughts on what's working well, what could be better, and any ideas you have - just click the link below to take a quick [Survey Length] survey. [Call-to-Action]. We carefully review every piece of feedback and have implemented many changes based on [Customer/Employee] suggestions - [Example Change 1], [Example Change 2]. I appreciate you taking a few minutes to share your experience with us, [Name]. Thank you for being part of the [Company] family!

These are just a few ideas to get you started with Avie's AI-powered video personalization. The possibilities are endless - any video communication can be made more engaging and effective with the right touch of customization. Avie makes it easy to tailor your message for each individual recipient at scale, so you can build deeper connections with prospects, customers, candidates, and employees. Try out these ideas and see the results for yourself!

Start creating your 1:1 personalised videos.

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